Opresnik Management Consulting


We inspire worldwide

Our public appearances have already inspired thousands of people all over the world. Here you will find a selection of our previous keynotes and appearances together with the particular topics.


tedx logog

Tedx Aston University

University of Cambridge Judge Business School

University of Cambridge
Judge Business School

Disruptive & Social Media Marketing

Saïd Business School University of Oxford

Saïd Business School - University of Oxford

Purpose and visioning

Regents University London

Regent's University London

Value Creation and Innovation in a VUCA world

WMS Logo 3937054247

World Marketing Summit

Digital Marketing Communication, Social Media Marketing, Digital Leadership & Innoivation and Value Creation in a VUCA world

Handelsblatt Jahrestagung

Handelsblatt Jahrestagung
"Handel und Wandel"

Disruptives Marketing

WISAG Innovationsschmiede

WISAG Innovationsschmiede

Lernen von Google, Amazon & Co.

MC Lübeck

Marketing-Forum Lübeck

Customer-Generated Innovation

United Nations World Food Programme Innovation Bootcamp

United Nations World Food Programme Innovation Bootcamp

Building a sustainable customer-driven business

NACS CEO Summit Hamburg

NACS CEO Summit Hamburg

Disruptive Marketing


Gedankentanken Business Summit

Marketing 4.0 – Markenkommunikation in Zeit von digitaler Transformation


IHK Schleswig-Holstein

Besser kommunizieren in jeder Beziehung

Deutsches Shopping Center Forum Köln

Deutsches Shopping Center Forum Köln

Marketing 3.0

Frankfurter Buchmesse

Frankfurter Buchmesse

Die Geheimnisse erfolgreichen YouTube Marketings

Hiroshima Peace

World Business Conference for
World Peace Hiroshima

Better world through education

University Kuala Lumpur

University Kuala Lumpur

Marketing 3.0

WISAG Innovationsschmiede

WISAG Innovationsschmiede

Strategisches Marketing-Management

Philip Kotler Marketing Forum Moskau

Philip Kotler Marketing Forum Moskau

Positioning in the framework of Web 2.0 Marketing

Regents University London 1

Regent's University London

Social Media Marketing Communication

St. Gallen Management Symposium Flims

St. Gallen Management-Symposium Flims

Unleashing the power of marketing

Frankfurter Buchmesse

Frankfurter Buchmesse

Geheimnisse erfolgreicher Verhandlungsführung

MC Lübeck

Marketing-Club Lübeck

Open Source Marketing

Saïd Business School University of Oxford

Saïd Business School - University of Oxford

Contemporary Brand Management

MC Lübeck

Marketing-Forum Lübeck

Internationalisierung in Lübeck

Fielmann Akademie Schloss Plön

Fielmann Akademie Schloss Plön

Die Macht der Marken