My co-author and friend Professor Doctor Svend Hollensen and I are very pleased that our practice-oriented international bestseller „Marketing: Principles and Practice. A Management-Oriented Approach“, 4th edition, 2020 has achieved an excellent review by Dr. Hagai Grngarten in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Complete Review:
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 2021, 119-120.
ISSN 1947-2900 (print) • ISSN 1947-2919 (online)
Compilation Copyright © 2021 by St. Thomas University. All rights reserved.
Book Review
Hollensen, S., & Opresnik, O. M. (2020). Marketing: Principles and practice: A managementoriented approach (4th ed). Columbia, SC: Opresnik Management Consulting, 477 pages, $26.51, softcover, ISBN: 979-8554161223.
Hagai Gringarten, Ph.D.
Synopsis and Evaluation
Marketing: Principles and Practice: A Management-Oriented Approach (2020) provides a comprehensive introduction to marketing and strategic marketing management. The book, coauthored by leading academic marketing experts, offers a clear and easy-to-understand overview
of the latest developments in marketing. Marc Opresnik is a distinguished professor of marketing at the Technische Hochschule Lübeck as well as a member of the Board of Directors at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen
in Switzerland. He is Chief Research Officer at Kotler Impact, Inc., and a global co-author of marketing legend Philip Kotler. Svend Hollensen is a distinguish professor of international marketing at the University of Southern Denmark, with extensive global consulting experience,
and author of globally published textbooks.
Marketing: Principles and Practice: A Management-Oriented Approach (2020) presents a complete and holistic overview of the latest in contemporary marketing, without unnecessary photos or text. It concentrates “on the essential marketing know-how for both practitioners and students” (Preface). The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the latest developments in marketing, including Blockchain, Internet of Things, and Artificial Intelligence as well as revisiting focal subjects such as ethical issues in marketing and societal marketing.
This updated and extended fourth edition is divided into six major sections and many subchapters:
• Fundamentals of Marketing and Marketing Management.
• Situational Analysis in the Marketing Planning Process.
• Strategy Formulation in the Marketing Planning Process.
• Marketing Mix in the Marketing Planning Process.
• Implementation and Controlling in the Marketing Planning Process.
• Conclusion.
Structured according to the marketing planning process, the chapters are divided into four “phases,” in which phase 1 is the analysis, phase 2 is strategy formulation, phase 3 is tactical decisions, and phase 4 is implementation and control. Throughout the book, Professors
Hollensen and Opresnik incorporate current “Marketing Highlight” segments, presenting recent global marketing cases that put in perspective marketing applications and strategies.
The book provides an easy to understand and solid insight of modern marketing. A concise introduction to the theory and practice of Marketing in the 21st century, Opresnik and Hollensen’s Marketing: Principles and Practice: A Management-Oriented Approach (2020) provides excellent coverage of marketing fundamentals to a brand new world of intertwined, high-speed, globally competitive marketplace. Targeting advanced undergraduate students, practitioners, and MBA students, the book provides a clear, lively, and smart overview
of the latest developments in marketing. Updated, timely, and priced right, this marketing book is indispensable to professors and students alike. I highly recommend it.
In the Author’s Own Words
“This marketing text not only integrates all relevant aspects of marketing but also structures them in such a way, that both practitioners and students acquire a comprehensive and holistic overview, how it all fits together. This is achieved by the structure of the book, which follows the marketing planning and decision making process inside the company” (Preface).
“Peter Drucker, an Austrian-born American management consultant, educator, and author…once stated: ‘A business has two, and only two, basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs’” (p. 1).
Reviewer’s Details
Hagai Gringarten, Ph.D. (, is a branding expert and Marketing Professor at St. Thomas University, and was a Visiting Professor at several Chinese universities. He has served as President of the American Marketing Association South Florida chapter and coauthored a bestselling book about coffee. Dr. Gringarten is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ( and served on the review board of the Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research, a California State University publication. He currently serves on Governmental and Academic boards. His latest book Ethical Branding and Marketing: Cases and Lessons (Routledge, 2019) was published in the U.K. and the U.S.A.
To Cite this Book Review
Gringarten, H. (2021, Spring). [Review of the book Marketing: Principles and practice: A management-oriented approach, by S. Hollensen & O. M. Opresnik]. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 13(1), 119-120.
Link to the Journal